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Changes in diversity and composition of fish species in the Southern Benguela Ecosystem of Namibian
dissolved oxygen
Henties Bay
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
Namibian coast
Seafloor depths
species composition
species diversity
total body mass
Species diversity and composition of fish in bottom-trawling were investigated in the Namibian waters between Oranjemund and Henties Bay. Sampling followed a systematic transects design, along latitude gradients (28 - 22°S) at different seafloor depths (100 - 500 m). In total 21 transects were sampled containing 105 stations. At each trawled station the whole catch were sorted into species type and the total body mass (kg) of each fish species was recorded. Results indicated significant differences in means of fish species diversity at different seafloor depths. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis indicated a complex interaction of gradients which have influenced the pattern in species composition. Differences in species diversity of fish at seafloor depths might be a result of absence of disturbances by bottom-trawling at shallower depths. It was concluded that environmental variability’s of the Namibian coast influence fish species composition.
Seafloor depths, species diversity, species composition.
Nashima FP.
University of Namibia
Corresponding author:
Nashima FP.
Article Citation:
Nashima FP.
Changes in diversity and composition of fish species in the Southern Benguela Ecosystem of Namibian.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 037-043
Received: 24 Mar 2012 Accepted: 16 Apr 2012 Published: 28 Jun 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Barnard P. (Ed.). 1998. Biological diversity in Namibia: A country study. Windhoek: National Biodiversity task force. 191.
Binu T, Chandrashekara UM and Rajendran A. 2011. Floristic diversity along an altitudinal gradient of Mannavan Shola forest in Southern Western Ghats of Kerala. Journal of Research in Biology 2:101-109.
Brower JE and Zar JH. 1984. Field and laboratory methods for general ecology. 2ndEdition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown publishers. 273.
Bruchert V, Currie B, Peard KR, Lass U, Endler R, Dubecke A, Leipe T, Julies E and Zitzmann S. 2006. Biogeochemical and physical control on shelf anoxia and water column hydrogen sulphide in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia. Past and Present Water Column Anoxia. 161-193.
Dytham C. 2006. Choosing and using statistics: A biologist guide. 2nd edition. Oxford: Library of Congress Cataloging Publication data. 248.
Gordoa A, Heirich L and Rodergas S. 2006. Bycatch: Complementary information for understanding fish behaviour. Namibian Cape hake (M. capensis and M. paradoxus) as a case study. Journal of Marine Science. 63:1513-1519.
Government Gazette. 2000. Namibia Marine resource act 2000. Windhoek, 2000; 6-12. Marine Act 2000.pdf
Krebs CJ. 1989. Ecological methodology. New York: Harper Collins. 620.
Rathod SR. 2011. Impact of elevation, latitude and longitude on fish diversity in Godavari River. Journal of Research in Biology. 4: 269-275.
Magurran AE. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton: New Jersey. Princeton University press. 179.
McNaughton SJ and Wolf LL. 1970. Dominance and the niche in ecological systems. Science. 167:131-139.
Oelofsen BW. 1999. Fisheries management: The Namibian approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 56:999-1004.
Sakko AL. 1998. Biodiversity of marine habitats. In: Barnard, P. Biological diversity in Namibia–a country study. Windhoek: Namibian National Biodiversity Task Force. 24.
Shannon LV. 1985. The Benguela ecosystem. Evolution of the Benguela physical features and processes. Scotland: Aberdeen, University press.
Van Zyl BJ. 2000. A decade of Namibia fisheries and biodiversity management. 21-24. http://www.unep.org/bpsp/Fisheries/Fisheries%20Case%20Studies/VANZYL. pdf .
Species diversity and composition of fish in bottom-trawling were investigated in the Namibian waters between Oranjemund and Henties Bay. Sampling followed a systematic transects design, along latitude gradients (28 - 22°S) at different seafloor depths (100 - 500 m). In total 21 transects were sampled containing 105 stations. At each trawled station the whole catch were sorted into species type and the total body mass (kg) of each fish species was recorded. Results indicated significant differences in means of fish species diversity at different seafloor depths. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis indicated a complex interaction of gradients which have influenced the pattern in species composition. Differences in species diversity of fish at seafloor depths might be a result of absence of disturbances by bottom-trawling at shallower depths. It was concluded that environmental variability’s of the Namibian coast influence fish species composition.
Seafloor depths, species diversity, species composition.
Nashima FP.
University of Namibia
Corresponding author:
Nashima FP.
Article Citation:
Nashima FP.
Changes in diversity and composition of fish species in the Southern Benguela Ecosystem of Namibian.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 037-043
Received: 24 Mar 2012 Accepted: 16 Apr 2012 Published: 28 Jun 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Barnard P. (Ed.). 1998. Biological diversity in Namibia: A country study. Windhoek: National Biodiversity task force. 191.
Binu T, Chandrashekara UM and Rajendran A. 2011. Floristic diversity along an altitudinal gradient of Mannavan Shola forest in Southern Western Ghats of Kerala. Journal of Research in Biology 2:101-109.
Brower JE and Zar JH. 1984. Field and laboratory methods for general ecology. 2ndEdition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown publishers. 273.
Bruchert V, Currie B, Peard KR, Lass U, Endler R, Dubecke A, Leipe T, Julies E and Zitzmann S. 2006. Biogeochemical and physical control on shelf anoxia and water column hydrogen sulphide in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia. Past and Present Water Column Anoxia. 161-193.
Dytham C. 2006. Choosing and using statistics: A biologist guide. 2nd edition. Oxford: Library of Congress Cataloging Publication data. 248.
Gordoa A, Heirich L and Rodergas S. 2006. Bycatch: Complementary information for understanding fish behaviour. Namibian Cape hake (M. capensis and M. paradoxus) as a case study. Journal of Marine Science. 63:1513-1519.
Government Gazette. 2000. Namibia Marine resource act 2000. Windhoek, 2000; 6-12. Marine Act 2000.pdf
Krebs CJ. 1989. Ecological methodology. New York: Harper Collins. 620.
Rathod SR. 2011. Impact of elevation, latitude and longitude on fish diversity in Godavari River. Journal of Research in Biology. 4: 269-275.
Magurran AE. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton: New Jersey. Princeton University press. 179.
McNaughton SJ and Wolf LL. 1970. Dominance and the niche in ecological systems. Science. 167:131-139.
Oelofsen BW. 1999. Fisheries management: The Namibian approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 56:999-1004.
Sakko AL. 1998. Biodiversity of marine habitats. In: Barnard, P. Biological diversity in Namibia–a country study. Windhoek: Namibian National Biodiversity Task Force. 24.
Shannon LV. 1985. The Benguela ecosystem. Evolution of the Benguela physical features and processes. Scotland: Aberdeen, University press.
Van Zyl BJ. 2000. A decade of Namibia fisheries and biodiversity management. 21-24. http://www.unep.org/bpsp/Fisheries/Fisheries%20Case%20Studies/VANZYL. pdf .
Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Wardha, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra
dissolved oxygen
summer season
total alkalinity
total hardness
Wardha River
The total environment is a complex entity of which water is the essential component for survival of all the living beings. Life in aquatic environment is largely governed by physico-chemical characteristics and their stability in ecosystem. The precipitation which is the main source of water gets contaminated as soon as it reaches on the earth’s surface and during its flow anthropogenic activities in surrounding area further add impurities in it. The water samples were collected monthly for a period of one year from different sampling stations along the stretch of river. During study period, river maintained well alkaline nature of water in study area. Parameters like dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total hardness, total alkalinity and pH showed variation from upstream to downstream. Dissolved oxygen was found to be maximum during winter may be due to low temperature. However, conductivity, total hardness and total alkalinity were found to be maximum during the summer season.
Wardha River, pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity.
Imran Mithani1, Dahegaonkar NR2, Shinde JS1 and Tummawar SD1.
1. Shree Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Rajura-442905.
2. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Tukum, Chandrapur-442401.
Corresponding author:
Dahegaonkar NR.
Article Citation:
Imran Mithani, Dahegaonkar NR, Shinde JS and Tummawar SD.
Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Wardha,
District Chandrapur, Maharashtra.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 014-018
Received: 10 Mar 2012 /Accepted: 27 Mar 2012 /Published: 13 Apr 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Ansari MA. 1993. Hydrobiological studies of Godavari river water at Nanded., Ph. D. Thesis submitted, Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
APHA. 2005. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water, 16th Ed. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. Washington DC. 20036.
Arora HC, Chattopadhaya SN, Sharma VP, Raut T and Elyas SI. 1973. A short term study and the eutrophication of Gomati river in Lucknow region. Proc. Symp. On Env. Poll. CPHERI Nagpur, January, 17-19:44-58.
Arvind Kumar and Singh AK. 2002.Arvind Kumar and Singh AK. 2002. Ecology, Conservation and Management of the River Mayurakshi in Santhal Pargana (Jharkhand State) with special reference to effect of sewage pollution on abiotic and biotic potentials., Ecology and Conservation of Lakes, Reservoirs and Rivers., ABD publishers, Rajasthan, India. 1-43.
Banerjee SM. 1967. Water quality and soil condition of fish ponds in some status of India in relation to fish production. Indian J. Fish. 14 (1and 2):115-144.
Bandela NN, Vaidya DP and Lomte VS. 1998. Seasonal temperature changes and their influence on the level of Carbon-dioxide and pH in Barul Dam water., J. Aqua. Bio. 13(1),43-46.
Bansal, Samidha. 1989. Physico-chemical studies of the water of river Betwa in M. P., Indian J. Env. Proct. 9(12):899-903.
Chandra S and Mathur SS. 1983. Pollution of Geoga water due to tanneries effluents in Kanpur. Souv and Abst, Nat. Conf. on River Pollution and Humen health.; 5.
Dahegaonkar NR. 2008. Studies on water quality and biodiversity of lotic ecosystems near Chandrapur, Ph. D. Thesis, submitted RTM Nagpur University Nagpur (M. S.).
Fulekar MH and Dave JM. 1989. Leaching of fly ash constituent along stream bed flow to Yamuna river, New Delhi. IJEP. 9(10):773-777.
George JP. 1997. Aquatic ecosystem, structure, degradation strategies for management in: Recent advances in ecobiological research, A.P.H. Publication House, New Delhi. 603.
Israili AW and Ahemad MS. 1993. Chemical Charateristics of river Yamuna from Dehradun to Agra. Indian J. Environ. Hlth. 35(3):199-204.
Khalique A and Afser MR. 1995. Physico-chemical analysis of river Gages at Farakka. Biojournal 7(1-2):101-105.
Khatavkar SV and Trivedi RK. 1992. Water quality parameter of river Panchaganga near Kolhapur and Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra, India. J. Ecotoxic. Environ. Monit., 2:113-118.
Khinchi PJ, Telkhade PM, Dahegaonkar NR and Sawane AP. 2011. Effect of domestic activities on water quality parameters of river Irai, district Chandrapur, Maharashtra. Journal of sci. and Inf. (Special issue 3).103-105.
Koshy, Mathew and Vasudevan Nayar T. 2000. Water quality aspects of river Pamba at Kozenchery., Poll. Res., 19(4):665-668.
Mohanta BK and Patra AK. 2000. Studies on the water quality index of river Sanamachhakandana at Keonjhar Garh, Orissa. India. Poll. Res., 19(3):377-385.
Narain S and Chauhan R. 2000. Water quality status of river complex Yamuna at Panchnada (Distt. Etawah, U.P., India). 1: An integrated management approach. Poll. Res., 19(3):357-364.
Raghunathan MG, Mahalingam S and Vanitadevi K. 2000. A study on physicochemical characteristics of Otteri lake and Pallar river water in Vellore Town, Tamilnadu, India., J. Aqua. Biol., 15(1&2):56-58.
Rajalakshmi S and Sreelatha K. 2005. Studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Gautami, Godavari, Yanam (union territory of Pondicherry). Aqua. Biol., 20(2):110-112.
Sankaran V. 1988. Pollution studies in Cauvery and Adyar rivers in Tamilnadu., Ecology and Pollution of Indian rivers, (Ed. Trivedy R. K.), Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. 321- 336.
Saraf RV and Shenoy SC. 1986. Assessment of Wardha river quality upstream and downstream of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. Ballarpur., IAWPC Tech. Annual, 13:129-135.
Sawane AP. 2002. Impact of industrial pollution on water quality parameters form Erai river, Chandrapur (M. S.), Ph. D. Thesis, submitted North Maharashtra University.(M. S.)
Yellavarthi E. 2002. Hydrobiological studies of Red hills Reservoir, North Chennai, Tamilnadu., J. Aqua. Biol., 17(1):13-16.
The total environment is a complex entity of which water is the essential component for survival of all the living beings. Life in aquatic environment is largely governed by physico-chemical characteristics and their stability in ecosystem. The precipitation which is the main source of water gets contaminated as soon as it reaches on the earth’s surface and during its flow anthropogenic activities in surrounding area further add impurities in it. The water samples were collected monthly for a period of one year from different sampling stations along the stretch of river. During study period, river maintained well alkaline nature of water in study area. Parameters like dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total hardness, total alkalinity and pH showed variation from upstream to downstream. Dissolved oxygen was found to be maximum during winter may be due to low temperature. However, conductivity, total hardness and total alkalinity were found to be maximum during the summer season.
Wardha River, pH, Conductivity, Alkalinity.
Imran Mithani1, Dahegaonkar NR2, Shinde JS1 and Tummawar SD1.
1. Shree Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Rajura-442905.
2. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Tukum, Chandrapur-442401.
Corresponding author:
Dahegaonkar NR.
Article Citation:
Imran Mithani, Dahegaonkar NR, Shinde JS and Tummawar SD.
Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Wardha,
District Chandrapur, Maharashtra.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 014-018
Received: 10 Mar 2012 /Accepted: 27 Mar 2012 /Published: 13 Apr 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Ansari MA. 1993. Hydrobiological studies of Godavari river water at Nanded., Ph. D. Thesis submitted, Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
APHA. 2005. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water, 16th Ed. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. Washington DC. 20036.
Arora HC, Chattopadhaya SN, Sharma VP, Raut T and Elyas SI. 1973. A short term study and the eutrophication of Gomati river in Lucknow region. Proc. Symp. On Env. Poll. CPHERI Nagpur, January, 17-19:44-58.
Arvind Kumar and Singh AK. 2002.Arvind Kumar and Singh AK. 2002. Ecology, Conservation and Management of the River Mayurakshi in Santhal Pargana (Jharkhand State) with special reference to effect of sewage pollution on abiotic and biotic potentials., Ecology and Conservation of Lakes, Reservoirs and Rivers., ABD publishers, Rajasthan, India. 1-43.
Banerjee SM. 1967. Water quality and soil condition of fish ponds in some status of India in relation to fish production. Indian J. Fish. 14 (1and 2):115-144.
Bandela NN, Vaidya DP and Lomte VS. 1998. Seasonal temperature changes and their influence on the level of Carbon-dioxide and pH in Barul Dam water., J. Aqua. Bio. 13(1),43-46.
Bansal, Samidha. 1989. Physico-chemical studies of the water of river Betwa in M. P., Indian J. Env. Proct. 9(12):899-903.
Chandra S and Mathur SS. 1983. Pollution of Geoga water due to tanneries effluents in Kanpur. Souv and Abst, Nat. Conf. on River Pollution and Humen health.; 5.
Dahegaonkar NR. 2008. Studies on water quality and biodiversity of lotic ecosystems near Chandrapur, Ph. D. Thesis, submitted RTM Nagpur University Nagpur (M. S.).
Fulekar MH and Dave JM. 1989. Leaching of fly ash constituent along stream bed flow to Yamuna river, New Delhi. IJEP. 9(10):773-777.
George JP. 1997. Aquatic ecosystem, structure, degradation strategies for management in: Recent advances in ecobiological research, A.P.H. Publication House, New Delhi. 603.
Israili AW and Ahemad MS. 1993. Chemical Charateristics of river Yamuna from Dehradun to Agra. Indian J. Environ. Hlth. 35(3):199-204.
Khalique A and Afser MR. 1995. Physico-chemical analysis of river Gages at Farakka. Biojournal 7(1-2):101-105.
Khatavkar SV and Trivedi RK. 1992. Water quality parameter of river Panchaganga near Kolhapur and Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra, India. J. Ecotoxic. Environ. Monit., 2:113-118.
Khinchi PJ, Telkhade PM, Dahegaonkar NR and Sawane AP. 2011. Effect of domestic activities on water quality parameters of river Irai, district Chandrapur, Maharashtra. Journal of sci. and Inf. (Special issue 3).103-105.
Koshy, Mathew and Vasudevan Nayar T. 2000. Water quality aspects of river Pamba at Kozenchery., Poll. Res., 19(4):665-668.
Mohanta BK and Patra AK. 2000. Studies on the water quality index of river Sanamachhakandana at Keonjhar Garh, Orissa. India. Poll. Res., 19(3):377-385.
Narain S and Chauhan R. 2000. Water quality status of river complex Yamuna at Panchnada (Distt. Etawah, U.P., India). 1: An integrated management approach. Poll. Res., 19(3):357-364.
Raghunathan MG, Mahalingam S and Vanitadevi K. 2000. A study on physicochemical characteristics of Otteri lake and Pallar river water in Vellore Town, Tamilnadu, India., J. Aqua. Biol., 15(1&2):56-58.
Rajalakshmi S and Sreelatha K. 2005. Studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Gautami, Godavari, Yanam (union territory of Pondicherry). Aqua. Biol., 20(2):110-112.
Sankaran V. 1988. Pollution studies in Cauvery and Adyar rivers in Tamilnadu., Ecology and Pollution of Indian rivers, (Ed. Trivedy R. K.), Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. 321- 336.
Saraf RV and Shenoy SC. 1986. Assessment of Wardha river quality upstream and downstream of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. Ballarpur., IAWPC Tech. Annual, 13:129-135.
Sawane AP. 2002. Impact of industrial pollution on water quality parameters form Erai river, Chandrapur (M. S.), Ph. D. Thesis, submitted North Maharashtra University.(M. S.)
Yellavarthi E. 2002. Hydrobiological studies of Red hills Reservoir, North Chennai, Tamilnadu., J. Aqua. Biol., 17(1):13-16.
Constraints to international donor agencies’ community development assistance in rural Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
Donor Agencies
Micro Project Programme
Rivers State
Rural Development
United Nations Development Programme
World Bank
This study examined the impediments to international Donor agencies’ community development efforts in the rural sector of Rivers State, Nigeria. One hundred community dwellers (men, women and youth) were interviewed, using scheduled questionnaires. Also, three international Donor agencies (World Bank, Micro Project Programme and United Nations Development Programme) involved in the community development activities of Rivers State participated in the study. Data realized from the respondents were analysed using percentages, mean scores and Analysis of Variance. The study revealed that the nature of development projects and the constraints faced by beneficiary communities and the donor agencies differed significantly (p>0.05). The donor agencies provided assistance in agriculture, small scale enterprises, health care services, education/training, and physical infrastructure. However, the three agencies focused mainly on agriculture, health care and infrastructural services. The major problems to effective implementation of the development programme included administrative bottleneck, insufficient and diversion of project funds, youth restiveness, ill-trained and shortage of field staff, inadequate community development facilities and project disagreement among the beneficiary communities. To improve on the community development efforts in the rural areas of the state, a critical consideration of the outlined bottlenecks was advised.
Constraints, Rural Development, Donor Agencies
Isife BI, Albert CO and Lawson MI.
1. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2. Extension Services, Sub-Programme Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Corresponding author:
Isife BI.
Article Citation:
Isife BI, Albert CO and Lawson MI.
Constraints to international donor agencies’ community development
assistance in rural Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 019-024
Received: 01 Feb 2012 Accepted: 13 Feb 2012 Published: 24 May 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chukuigwe N. 2006. Corporate Social Responsibility of Oil Companies in Rivers State, Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt 76.
Gabriel-Pidomson A. 2008. Causes and Effect of Conflicts in Ogoni Kingdom of Rivers State. M.Sc. Thesis. Dept of Agric. Economic and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt 59.
Lawson MI. 2008. Comparative Analysis of International Donor Agencies’ Assistance to Community Development in Rural Rivers State, Nigeria. M.Sc Project, Department of Agricultural Economic and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 76.
Lele U and Adu-Nyako K. 1991. Integrated Strategy Approach for Poverty Alleviation: A Paramount Priority for Africa. African Development Review 3(1):1-29.
Nwachinyere RA. 2008. The Role of Niger Delta Development Commission in Sustainable Community Development of the South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 182.
Obuzor IC. 1998. Economic Impact of Crude Oil Exploration on Farm Lands in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, Port Harcourt, B.Sc. Project, Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Williams SKT. 1978. Rural Development in Nigeria. University of Ife Press, Ile-Ife; Nigeria. 129.
Word Bank. 1990. World Development Report on Poverty. Washington D.C.
This study examined the impediments to international Donor agencies’ community development efforts in the rural sector of Rivers State, Nigeria. One hundred community dwellers (men, women and youth) were interviewed, using scheduled questionnaires. Also, three international Donor agencies (World Bank, Micro Project Programme and United Nations Development Programme) involved in the community development activities of Rivers State participated in the study. Data realized from the respondents were analysed using percentages, mean scores and Analysis of Variance. The study revealed that the nature of development projects and the constraints faced by beneficiary communities and the donor agencies differed significantly (p>0.05). The donor agencies provided assistance in agriculture, small scale enterprises, health care services, education/training, and physical infrastructure. However, the three agencies focused mainly on agriculture, health care and infrastructural services. The major problems to effective implementation of the development programme included administrative bottleneck, insufficient and diversion of project funds, youth restiveness, ill-trained and shortage of field staff, inadequate community development facilities and project disagreement among the beneficiary communities. To improve on the community development efforts in the rural areas of the state, a critical consideration of the outlined bottlenecks was advised.
Constraints, Rural Development, Donor Agencies
Isife BI, Albert CO and Lawson MI.
1. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2. Extension Services, Sub-Programme Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Corresponding author:
Isife BI.
Article Citation:
Isife BI, Albert CO and Lawson MI.
Constraints to international donor agencies’ community development
assistance in rural Rivers State, Southern Nigeria.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 019-024
Received: 01 Feb 2012 Accepted: 13 Feb 2012 Published: 24 May 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chukuigwe N. 2006. Corporate Social Responsibility of Oil Companies in Rivers State, Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt 76.
Gabriel-Pidomson A. 2008. Causes and Effect of Conflicts in Ogoni Kingdom of Rivers State. M.Sc. Thesis. Dept of Agric. Economic and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt 59.
Lawson MI. 2008. Comparative Analysis of International Donor Agencies’ Assistance to Community Development in Rural Rivers State, Nigeria. M.Sc Project, Department of Agricultural Economic and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 76.
Lele U and Adu-Nyako K. 1991. Integrated Strategy Approach for Poverty Alleviation: A Paramount Priority for Africa. African Development Review 3(1):1-29.
Nwachinyere RA. 2008. The Role of Niger Delta Development Commission in Sustainable Community Development of the South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 182.
Obuzor IC. 1998. Economic Impact of Crude Oil Exploration on Farm Lands in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, Port Harcourt, B.Sc. Project, Department of Agric. Economics and Extension, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Williams SKT. 1978. Rural Development in Nigeria. University of Ife Press, Ile-Ife; Nigeria. 129.
Word Bank. 1990. World Development Report on Poverty. Washington D.C.
Number and mass of ultrafine, fine and coarse atmospheric particles during different seasons at Agra, India
In the urban atmosphere, adverse health effects of airborne particles cause great concern. Some toxicological studies show that ultrafine particles exert a much stronger physiological effect than the same mass of coarse particles due to an increase both in the number and relative surface area as compared to particles of larger size. The present study deals with the particle number, mass, volume and surface area - size distribution of atmospheric particulate matter to determine their relative proportions in the Ultrafine (< 500 nm), Fine (< 2.5μm) and Coarse (< 10 μm) particles at Agra. The particles collected were analyzed for their mass and number simultaneously during winter, summer and monsoon seasons using an optical particle counter Grimm monitor, 31-Channel Portable Aerosol Spectrometer model No: 1.109 in the range of 0.25-32 μm. The results indicated that the average number concentration was highest in summer (286399.1 cm-3) followed by winter (109155.7 cm-3) and monsoon season (67390.68 cm-3). The concentrations were 2.63 and 4.24 times higher during winter and monsoon season than summer months. Higher concentration was attributed to local as well as long range transport of particles. The long range transport of aerosol particles is also supported by back trajectory analysis. The average number concentration of coarse particles was 2.41 times higher in summer season which indicate that dust storms during summer period have major proportion of coarse particles. The wash out effect during monsoon causes significant decrease of particles therefore the concentrations were found to be much lower.
Atmospheric aerosols, number concentration, mass concentration, EM/EDX.
Tripti Pachauri, Vyoma Singla, Aparna Satsangi, Anita Lakhani and Maharaj Kumari K.
Department of Chemistry, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh,
Agra - 282110, India
Corresponding author:
Maharaj Kumari K.
Article Citation:
Tripti Pachauri, Vyoma Singla, Aparna Satsangi, Anita Lakhani, K. Maharaj Kumari.
Number and mass of ultrafine, fine and coarse atmospheric particles during different seasons at Agra, India.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 006-013
Received: 02 Jan 2012 /Accepted: 19 Jan 2012 /Published: 04 Feb 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chun Y, Kim J, Choi JC, Boo KO, Oh SN, Lee M. 2001. Characteristic number size distribution of aerosol during Asian dust period in Korea. Atmos Environ., 35:2715-2721.
Clarke AD. 2004. Size distributions and mixtures of dust and black carbon aerosol in Asian outflow: physiochemistry and optical properties. J Geophys Res., 109, D15S09. doi:10.1029/2003JD004378.
Conner TL, Norris GA, Landis MS and Williams RW. 2001. Individual particle analysis of indoor, outdoor and community samples from the 1998 Baltimore particulate matter study. Atmos Environ., 35:3935-3946.
Draxler RR and Rolph GD. 2003. HYSPLIT Model Acess via NOAA ARL READY. NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD. http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/hysplit4.html .
Esbert RM, Diaz Pache F, Grossi CM, Alonso FJ and Ordaz J. 2001. Airborne particulate matter around the Cathedral of Burgos (Castilla y LeoHn, Spain). Atmos Environ., 35:441-452.
Harrison RM, Shi JP, Jones MR. 1999. Continuous measurements of aerosol physical properties in the urban atmosphere. Atmos Environ., 33:1037-1047.
Lin TH. 2001. Long-range transport of yellow sand to Taiwan in spring 2000: Observed evidence and simulation. Atmos Environ., 31:5873-5882.
Pandithurai GS, Dipu K, Dani K, Tiwari S, Bisht DS, Devara PCS and Pinker RT. 2008. Aerosol radiative forcing during dust events over New Delhi, India. J Geophys Res., 113, D13209, doi:10.1029/2008JD009804.
Parmar RS, Satsangi GS, Kumari M, Lakhani A, Srivastava SS, Prakash S. 2001. Study of size distribution of atmospheric aerosol at Agra. Atmos Environ., 35:693-702.
Ramanathan V, Crutzen PJ, Kiehl JT. 2001. Climate and the hydrological cycle. Sci., 294:2119-2124.
Salma I, Maenhaut W, Zemplén-Papp E and Záray G. 2001. Comprehensive characterization of atmospheric aerosols in Budapest, Hungary: physicochemical properties of inorganic species Atmos Environ., 35(25):4367-4378.
Seinfeld JH, Pandis SN. 1998. Atmospheric chemistry and physics: from air pollution to climate change [M]. New York. Wiley.
Tuch TH, Brand P, Wichmann HE and Heyder J. 1997. Variation of particle number and mass concentration in various size ranges of ambient aerosol in Eastern Germany. Atmos. Environ., 24:4193-4197.
Wang Y, Zhuang G, Sun Y, An Z. 2006. The variation of characteristics and formation mechanisms of aerosols in dust, haze, and clear days in Beijing. Atmos Environ., 40:6579-6591.
Wichmann H, Peters A. 2000. Epidemiological evidence of the effects of ultrafine particle exposure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 358:2751-769.
Wu Z, Hu M, Lin P, Liu S, Wehner B, Wiedensohler A. 2008. Particle number size distribution in the urban atmosphere of Beijing, China. Atmos Environ., 42:7967-7980.
In the urban atmosphere, adverse health effects of airborne particles cause great concern. Some toxicological studies show that ultrafine particles exert a much stronger physiological effect than the same mass of coarse particles due to an increase both in the number and relative surface area as compared to particles of larger size. The present study deals with the particle number, mass, volume and surface area - size distribution of atmospheric particulate matter to determine their relative proportions in the Ultrafine (< 500 nm), Fine (< 2.5μm) and Coarse (< 10 μm) particles at Agra. The particles collected were analyzed for their mass and number simultaneously during winter, summer and monsoon seasons using an optical particle counter Grimm monitor, 31-Channel Portable Aerosol Spectrometer model No: 1.109 in the range of 0.25-32 μm. The results indicated that the average number concentration was highest in summer (286399.1 cm-3) followed by winter (109155.7 cm-3) and monsoon season (67390.68 cm-3). The concentrations were 2.63 and 4.24 times higher during winter and monsoon season than summer months. Higher concentration was attributed to local as well as long range transport of particles. The long range transport of aerosol particles is also supported by back trajectory analysis. The average number concentration of coarse particles was 2.41 times higher in summer season which indicate that dust storms during summer period have major proportion of coarse particles. The wash out effect during monsoon causes significant decrease of particles therefore the concentrations were found to be much lower.
Atmospheric aerosols, number concentration, mass concentration, EM/EDX.
Tripti Pachauri, Vyoma Singla, Aparna Satsangi, Anita Lakhani and Maharaj Kumari K.
Department of Chemistry, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh,
Agra - 282110, India
Corresponding author:
Maharaj Kumari K.
Article Citation:
Tripti Pachauri, Vyoma Singla, Aparna Satsangi, Anita Lakhani, K. Maharaj Kumari.
Number and mass of ultrafine, fine and coarse atmospheric particles during different seasons at Agra, India.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 006-013
Received: 02 Jan 2012 /Accepted: 19 Jan 2012 /Published: 04 Feb 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chun Y, Kim J, Choi JC, Boo KO, Oh SN, Lee M. 2001. Characteristic number size distribution of aerosol during Asian dust period in Korea. Atmos Environ., 35:2715-2721.
Clarke AD. 2004. Size distributions and mixtures of dust and black carbon aerosol in Asian outflow: physiochemistry and optical properties. J Geophys Res., 109, D15S09. doi:10.1029/2003JD004378.
Conner TL, Norris GA, Landis MS and Williams RW. 2001. Individual particle analysis of indoor, outdoor and community samples from the 1998 Baltimore particulate matter study. Atmos Environ., 35:3935-3946.
Draxler RR and Rolph GD. 2003. HYSPLIT Model Acess via NOAA ARL READY. NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD. http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/hysplit4.html .
Esbert RM, Diaz Pache F, Grossi CM, Alonso FJ and Ordaz J. 2001. Airborne particulate matter around the Cathedral of Burgos (Castilla y LeoHn, Spain). Atmos Environ., 35:441-452.
Harrison RM, Shi JP, Jones MR. 1999. Continuous measurements of aerosol physical properties in the urban atmosphere. Atmos Environ., 33:1037-1047.
Lin TH. 2001. Long-range transport of yellow sand to Taiwan in spring 2000: Observed evidence and simulation. Atmos Environ., 31:5873-5882.
Pandithurai GS, Dipu K, Dani K, Tiwari S, Bisht DS, Devara PCS and Pinker RT. 2008. Aerosol radiative forcing during dust events over New Delhi, India. J Geophys Res., 113, D13209, doi:10.1029/2008JD009804.
Parmar RS, Satsangi GS, Kumari M, Lakhani A, Srivastava SS, Prakash S. 2001. Study of size distribution of atmospheric aerosol at Agra. Atmos Environ., 35:693-702.
Ramanathan V, Crutzen PJ, Kiehl JT. 2001. Climate and the hydrological cycle. Sci., 294:2119-2124.
Salma I, Maenhaut W, Zemplén-Papp E and Záray G. 2001. Comprehensive characterization of atmospheric aerosols in Budapest, Hungary: physicochemical properties of inorganic species Atmos Environ., 35(25):4367-4378.
Seinfeld JH, Pandis SN. 1998. Atmospheric chemistry and physics: from air pollution to climate change [M]. New York. Wiley.
Tuch TH, Brand P, Wichmann HE and Heyder J. 1997. Variation of particle number and mass concentration in various size ranges of ambient aerosol in Eastern Germany. Atmos. Environ., 24:4193-4197.
Wang Y, Zhuang G, Sun Y, An Z. 2006. The variation of characteristics and formation mechanisms of aerosols in dust, haze, and clear days in Beijing. Atmos Environ., 40:6579-6591.
Wichmann H, Peters A. 2000. Epidemiological evidence of the effects of ultrafine particle exposure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 358:2751-769.
Wu Z, Hu M, Lin P, Liu S, Wehner B, Wiedensohler A. 2008. Particle number size distribution in the urban atmosphere of Beijing, China. Atmos Environ., 42:7967-7980.
Capacity of fly ash and organic additives to support adequate earthworm biomass for large scale vermicompost production
Cow Dung
Crop Residue
Eudrilus eugeniae
Fly Ash
Lampito mauritii
Press Mud
vermiculture technology
To investigate the feasibility of utilization of vermiculture technology for large scale production of vermicompost from Fly Ash (FA) mixed with Press Mud (PM), Cow Dung (CD) and Crop Residue (CR) employing earthworms Eudrilus eugeniae and Lampito mauritii. Eight treatments namely FA alone (T1), 1 part FA: 1part CD (T2), 1 part FA: 1part PM (T3), FA: 1 part FA: 1part CR (T4), 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part PM (T5), 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part CR (T6), 1 part FA: 1part PM: 1part CR (T7) and 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part PM: 1part CR (T8) were run under laboratory conditions. The growth and reproduction of earthworms in terms of biomass gain, cocoon and hatchlings production were measured at the end of experimentation. The data revealed that earthworms were unable to survive in 100% FA (T1) treatment. However, Maximum worm biomass was observed in T5 treatment than other treatments. Maximum cocoons and hatchlings production were also recorded in T5 treatment for both species of worms. This study clearly indicates that fly ash amended with press mud and cow dung in 1:1:1 ratio had no adverse effect on the growth and reproduction of E.eugeniae and L.mauritii as well as large scale vermicompost production.
Anbalagan M and Manivannan S.
Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar,
India-608 002.
Corresponding author:
E. eugeniae, L. mauritii, Cocoons, hatchlings, press mud, cow dung.
Article Citation:
Anbalagan M and Manivannan S.
Capacity of fly ash and organic additives to support adequate earthworm biomass for large scale vermicompost production.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 001-005
Received: 27 Dec 2011 /Accepted: 12 Jan 2012 /Published: 25 Jan 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Adi AJ, Noor ZM. 2009. Waste recycling: Utilization of coffee grounds and kitchen waste in vermicomposting. Biores Technol., 1027-1030.
Bhattacharjee G. 2002. Earthworm resources and waste management through vermicomposting in Tripura. Ph.D. Thesis, Tripura: Tripura University, India.
Bhawalkar VS and Bhawalkar VV. 1993. Vermiculture biotechnology in: Organic Farming in Soil Health and Crop Production. Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation, Cochin. 69-85.
Edwards CA and Bohlen PJ. 1996. Biology and Ecology of Earthworms. 3rd edition, Chapman and Hall Publication, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, UK. 202-217.
Edwards CA, Dominguez J, Neuhauser EF. 1998. Growth and reproduction of Perionyx excavatus (Perr.) (Megascolecidae) as factors in organic waste management. Biol Fertil Soils 155-161.
Elvira C, Sampedro L, Beritez E, Nogales R. 1998. Vermicomposting of sludge from paper mill and dairy industries with Eisenia andrei: A pilot scale study. Biores Technol., 63:211-218.
Gajalakshmi S, Ramasamy EV, Abbasi SA. 2001. Screening of four species of detritivorous (humus-former) earthworms for sustainable vermicomposting of paper waste. Environ Technol., 22:679-685.
Gupta R, Mutiyar PK, Rawat NK, Saini MS, Garg VK. 2007. Development of a water hyacinth based vermireactor using an epigeic earthworm E. foetida. Biores Technol., 98:2605-2610.
Kale RD, Bano K. 1992. Niche divergence–a limiting factor for recommendation of earthworms for biotechnology. Proc Nat Sem Org Fmg., Bangalore. 42-44.
Khawairakpam M, Bhargava R. 2009. Bioconversion of filter mud using vermicomposting employing two exotic and one local earthworm species. Biores Technol., 100:5846-5852.
Loher RC, Neuhauser EF, Melecki MR. 1985. Factors affecting the vermistabilization process temperature, moisture content and polyculture. Water Res., 19:1311-1317.
Manivannan S, Ramamoorthy P, Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 2004. Effect of sugar industrial wastes on the growth and reproduction of earthworms. J Exp Zool., India. 7:29-37.
Mishra M, Sahu RK, Padhy N. 2007. Growth, yield and elemental status of rice (Oryza sativa) grown in fly ash amended soils. Ecotoxicol., 16:271-278.
Neuhauser EF, Kaplan DL, Hartenstein R. 1979. Life history of the earthwom Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg). Rev Ecol Biol Soil., 16:524-534.
Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 2000. Influence of pressmud on the development of the ovary, oogenesis and the neurosecretory cells of the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg). Afri Zool., 35:281-286.
Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 1999. Longivity of microbial and enzyme activity and their influence on NPK content in pressmud vermicasts. Eur J Soil Biol., 35:107-113.
Parthasarathi K. 2006. Aging of pressmud vermicasts of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) and Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) – reduction in microbial population and activity. J Env Biol., 27(27(2):221-223.
Prakash M, Karmegam N. 2010. Vermistabilization of pressmud using Perionyx ceylanensis Mich. Biores Technol., 101(21):8464-8468.
Ramalingam R. 1997. Studies on the life cycle, growth and population dynamics of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) and Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) cultured in different organic wastes and analysis of nutrients and microbes of vermicompost. Ph.D. Thesis: Annamalai University, India.
Sangwan P, Kaushik CP, Garg VK. 2008. Vermiconversion of industrial sludge for recycling the nutrients. Biores Technol., 99:8699-8704.
Sen B, Chandra TS. 2007. Chemolytic and solid-state spectroscopic evaluation of organic matter transformation during vermicomposting of sugar industry wastes. Biores Technol., 98:1680-1683.
To investigate the feasibility of utilization of vermiculture technology for large scale production of vermicompost from Fly Ash (FA) mixed with Press Mud (PM), Cow Dung (CD) and Crop Residue (CR) employing earthworms Eudrilus eugeniae and Lampito mauritii. Eight treatments namely FA alone (T1), 1 part FA: 1part CD (T2), 1 part FA: 1part PM (T3), FA: 1 part FA: 1part CR (T4), 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part PM (T5), 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part CR (T6), 1 part FA: 1part PM: 1part CR (T7) and 1 part FA: 1part CD: 1part PM: 1part CR (T8) were run under laboratory conditions. The growth and reproduction of earthworms in terms of biomass gain, cocoon and hatchlings production were measured at the end of experimentation. The data revealed that earthworms were unable to survive in 100% FA (T1) treatment. However, Maximum worm biomass was observed in T5 treatment than other treatments. Maximum cocoons and hatchlings production were also recorded in T5 treatment for both species of worms. This study clearly indicates that fly ash amended with press mud and cow dung in 1:1:1 ratio had no adverse effect on the growth and reproduction of E.eugeniae and L.mauritii as well as large scale vermicompost production.
Anbalagan M and Manivannan S.
Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar,
India-608 002.
Corresponding author:
E. eugeniae, L. mauritii, Cocoons, hatchlings, press mud, cow dung.
Anbalagan M and Manivannan S.
Capacity of fly ash and organic additives to support adequate earthworm biomass for large scale vermicompost production.
Journal of Research in Ecology (2012) 1: 001-005
Received: 27 Dec 2011 /Accepted: 12 Jan 2012 /Published: 25 Jan 2012
This Open Access article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Adi AJ, Noor ZM. 2009. Waste recycling: Utilization of coffee grounds and kitchen waste in vermicomposting. Biores Technol., 1027-1030.
Bhattacharjee G. 2002. Earthworm resources and waste management through vermicomposting in Tripura. Ph.D. Thesis, Tripura: Tripura University, India.
Bhawalkar VS and Bhawalkar VV. 1993. Vermiculture biotechnology in: Organic Farming in Soil Health and Crop Production. Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation, Cochin. 69-85.
Edwards CA and Bohlen PJ. 1996. Biology and Ecology of Earthworms. 3rd edition, Chapman and Hall Publication, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, UK. 202-217.
Edwards CA, Dominguez J, Neuhauser EF. 1998. Growth and reproduction of Perionyx excavatus (Perr.) (Megascolecidae) as factors in organic waste management. Biol Fertil Soils 155-161.
Elvira C, Sampedro L, Beritez E, Nogales R. 1998. Vermicomposting of sludge from paper mill and dairy industries with Eisenia andrei: A pilot scale study. Biores Technol., 63:211-218.
Gajalakshmi S, Ramasamy EV, Abbasi SA. 2001. Screening of four species of detritivorous (humus-former) earthworms for sustainable vermicomposting of paper waste. Environ Technol., 22:679-685.
Gupta R, Mutiyar PK, Rawat NK, Saini MS, Garg VK. 2007. Development of a water hyacinth based vermireactor using an epigeic earthworm E. foetida. Biores Technol., 98:2605-2610.
Kale RD, Bano K. 1992. Niche divergence–a limiting factor for recommendation of earthworms for biotechnology. Proc Nat Sem Org Fmg., Bangalore. 42-44.
Khawairakpam M, Bhargava R. 2009. Bioconversion of filter mud using vermicomposting employing two exotic and one local earthworm species. Biores Technol., 100:5846-5852.
Loher RC, Neuhauser EF, Melecki MR. 1985. Factors affecting the vermistabilization process temperature, moisture content and polyculture. Water Res., 19:1311-1317.
Manivannan S, Ramamoorthy P, Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 2004. Effect of sugar industrial wastes on the growth and reproduction of earthworms. J Exp Zool., India. 7:29-37.
Mishra M, Sahu RK, Padhy N. 2007. Growth, yield and elemental status of rice (Oryza sativa) grown in fly ash amended soils. Ecotoxicol., 16:271-278.
Neuhauser EF, Kaplan DL, Hartenstein R. 1979. Life history of the earthwom Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg). Rev Ecol Biol Soil., 16:524-534.
Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 2000. Influence of pressmud on the development of the ovary, oogenesis and the neurosecretory cells of the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg). Afri Zool., 35:281-286.
Parthasarathi K, Ranganathan LS. 1999. Longivity of microbial and enzyme activity and their influence on NPK content in pressmud vermicasts. Eur J Soil Biol., 35:107-113.
Parthasarathi K. 2006. Aging of pressmud vermicasts of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) and Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) – reduction in microbial population and activity. J Env Biol., 27(27(2):221-223.
Prakash M, Karmegam N. 2010. Vermistabilization of pressmud using Perionyx ceylanensis Mich. Biores Technol., 101(21):8464-8468.
Ramalingam R. 1997. Studies on the life cycle, growth and population dynamics of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) and Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) cultured in different organic wastes and analysis of nutrients and microbes of vermicompost. Ph.D. Thesis: Annamalai University, India.
Sangwan P, Kaushik CP, Garg VK. 2008. Vermiconversion of industrial sludge for recycling the nutrients. Biores Technol., 99:8699-8704.
Sen B, Chandra TS. 2007. Chemolytic and solid-state spectroscopic evaluation of organic matter transformation during vermicomposting of sugar industry wastes. Biores Technol., 98:1680-1683.
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